Tärkeimmät tuotteet - Ammattimaiset multimediakioskit

Valikoima alkuperäisiä ammattikäyttöön tarkoitettuja multimediakioskeja, jotka on suunniteltu kohtaamaan vaikeimmat haasteet, varmistaen innovaation ja korkealaatuisen suunnittelun samalla kun ne ovat sopusoinnussa ympäristön kanssa

10 Tuotetta

  • SmartKiosk Italia - AxessSmartkiosk Italy - Kirves Gioia Taurolle

    Self check-in and control towers to manage vehicles entrance and exit

    A complex system of towers equipped to spped up the access of trucks, vehicles or even pedestrians.

    Customized kiosk solutions to optimize the whole process of identification, authorization and management of the entrance and exit of vehicles. Self check-in for drivers, employees and visitors and large format viewers to inform the vehicles they have to proceed to the entrance.

    Positioned outdoors, it also provides countless configuration variants depending on the specific requirements.

  • A real virtual reception, able to identify with no margin for error the guests of accommodation facilities, delivering them the electronic keys of their rooms, and then detect, store and send to the relevant authorities copies of the required documents.

    When checking out, the guest can return the electronic key through the virtual reception that will reset it and make it available for the next guest,thus limiting as much as possible maintenance and assistance. Available also with electronic payment system (or cash). 

    In combination with the Keylocker, it can also distribute physical keys.

  • SmartKiosk Italia - Smart Locker NoutoSmartKiosk Italia - Smart Locker Nouto

    Indoor and outdoor Smartlockers of customisable dimensions, with the possibility of managing the distribution of small objects (keys, rfid bracelets and others), as well as collecting larger packages.

    Maximum versatility in size and physical and software configuration characterise this 100% Italian solution.

  • Designed on the basis of the new European protocols for the identification of non-Schengen passengers, the new EES totem produced in cooperation with Reco 3.26 is a jewel of technology and versatility.

    Fully accessible, it is equipped with a document scanner, fingerprint, 15.6″ touch monitor and 10.1″ motorised monitor for face detection operations and a complex camera system.

    It is available in different versions that are always characterised by its small size and the possibility of being positioned floorstand or gate.

  • SmartKiosk Italia - Fidelity Card Dispenser TF04SmartKiosk Italia - Fidelity Card Dispenser TF04 yksityiskohta

    TF04 is a lively structure with catch the eyes of the users, thus making easier to convince them to get their own fidelity card. An accessible device equipped with a 22″ touch screen landscape display, keyboard with touchpad and graphic card printer. Compact and elegant, it requires a minimum of maintenance and has a pull-out drawer for a fast cards reloading. It is possible to use white cards to print or simply allowing it to distribute pre-printed cards. The system is equipped with RFID or Barcode reader for registration or system activation of issued cards.

  • Set of small tower kiosks  equipped to support parking entry and exit systems. Configurable on request they can be equipped with 7/10″ displays intercom and barcode scanner. The chassis is prepared for a covered outdoor environment.

  • A simple, elegant kiosk with small dimensions, attractive design and 22″ touch monitor optimally manages queue management services, the provision of information services and, thanks to the possibility of accommodating a barcode scanner and thermal printer, a range of customised services.

  • A wide range of products dedicated to user recognition and identification. Indispensable in access control systems in large factories as well as in offices where the identification process of visitors, employees and regular maintenance personnel is preferably automated.

    Available with a highly customizable software system that integrates perfectly with the chassis and the entrance turnstile system.

  • SmartKiosk Italia - Ambrose 01SmartKiosk Italia - Ambrose-kioski

    An original, beautifully designed and versatile order management solution. Ambrose is available in wall-mounted, ceiling-mounted and pedestal versions, as well as in a dual sided version. It features a chassis surrounded by curved, painted tubing and a graphic-printed glass front.

    It houses a 32″ display with touch screen, thermal receipt printer and device for electronic payments. It can also host barcode scanner, webcam and RFID reader on request. Lightweight and elegant, it brings a touch of refined elegance to any venue.

  • SmartKiosk Italia - Skyline Tourism Advisor

    A visual information tool based on augmented reality. Skyline offers tourists a real-time overview of the surrounding territory with intuitive tools to fathom its details and discover its secrets: the outdoor augmented reality technology finds in Skyline an elegant and versatile interpreter.

    Thanks to its tailor made software app, it can detect turist, historical and cultural attractions from a wide area and link them to any kind of multimedia content, in order to give citizens and tourists an evolved and detailed vision of the region’s landmarks. Skyline is aimed at tourism authorities looking for a way to revamp their image thanks to an innovative and effective tool, to promote history and culture of their region. With the “operational leasing” commercial solution, one can stretch the investment over a 3-year (or more) period and have setup, configuration and technical assistance guaranteed for the entire leasing time.